Workshop Information

  • Workshops are half day sessions (4 hours) with a hands-on learning component. 
  • Workshops will be scheduled from 8 AM - 12 PM over the course of the 4-day conference, Wednesday through Saturday, with five workshops scheduled per day.
  • Application submissions for GSA 2025 Workshops open February 1 - March 13, 2025. 
  • Workshop application review and scheduling will be begin mid-March, 2025.
  • Workshop acceptance emails will be sent in early-May, 2025.
  • The Boston Marriott Copley Place is one of GSA's two headquarters hotels and will host workshops during the week of the meeting.
  • Send workshop related questions to:


The submission process begins February 1, 2025. The deadline to complete a workshop application and submit the processing fee is March 13, 2025. (A limited number of slots are available.)

Please review the following workshop application requirements.

    • Workshop Title: Submit the title of your workshop exactly as you would like it to appear in all marketing materials for the GSA Annual Scientific Meeting (100 characters maximum).
    • Rationale for Session Topic: Explain why there is a need for this workshop and clearly define its goals.
    • Intended Audience: Describe the populations of the GSA Annual Scientific Meeting attendees that your proposed workshop will serve. More detail will enable us to ensure marketing efforts target the correct audience. Workshops must have approximately 30 registrants.
    • Workshop Format: Outline the overall structure of the event. Will attendees be working on projects in small groups? Will a panel be discussing topics? Etc.
    • Course Objectives: List productive outcomes of participating in your workshop. What are some direct takeaways attendees will be able to bring back to their organizations? What skills will they develop though partaking in your workshop? (At least two course objectives must be provided.)
    • Workshop Description for Marketing: Provide a summary of the workshop that will encourage individuals to register for the session (150 words maximum). GSA will promote the workshop through a variety of mechanisms.
    • Supporters: GSA recommends that all workshops be endorsed by a GSA Section, Organization, Unit, Committee, or Interest Group. (If Applicable)
    • Presenters & Presenters' Info: Each workshop may have a Chair and up to 15 additional presenters. The application will require first name, last name and affiliation.
    • Non-refundable Application processing fee: $100.00

Workshops Location

GSA 2025 daily workshops will be held at the following location in Boston, MA.

Boston Marriott Copley Place

The Boston Marriott is one of GSA's two headquarters hotels and will host workshops during the week of the meeting. The Boston Marriott Hotel is a short walk across the skybridge from the Hynes Convention Center. 

110 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA 02116

Hotel Reservation Hub Opens March 1